Occasionally private water supplies – water wells and springs, produce water of a quality that is inconsistent with the proposed use, whether this may be potable water supply, agricultural use, industrial use or other activity. D.T.O.S. Water provides the facility to test the water in your home or business. It is vital that water is safe for consumption and the intended use, we offer a full range of solutions to most water problems, including water softeners, pH correction, odour removal, bacteria removal, nitrates removal and sediment/colour filtration.
We cover every aspect of water testing, from supplying water testing kits, to on-site testing, including domestic, commercial, industrial and agricultural premises.
Working with market leading analytical laboratories D.T.O.S. Water can provide water analysis ranging from standard commonly occurring determinants for potable supply through to determinants that are associated with water bottling regulations. Water analysis reports are sourced through an independent lab, located in Cork, that complies with the EU Drinking Directive (DWD).
Upon receiving the lab report, the results are then interpreted and assessed for the client and a solution to the problem is provided.
Once the client specific treatment/filtration system has been designed and installed, the water is then tested once again to ensure that the problem has been eliminated and that a healthy and safe water supply has been restored.
The EPA recommends that private water supplies should be tested on a yearly basis.